Megan Fox Blames Hollywood For Unhealthy Expectations And Ruining Her Body Image

Megan Fox, the stunning Hollywood actress known for her roles in movies like Transformers and Jennifer’s Body, has garnered widespread attention and praise for her beauty and sizzling on-screen presence. She has ultimately won over fans with her charismatic beauty and blunt personality.

However, despite being hailed as a Sєx symbol by many, Fox has openly expressed her discontent with her own body. In numerous interviews and public statements, she has revealed the reasons behind her struggle with body image and the pressures faced by women in the entertainment industry.

Despite Being A Hollywood Sex Symbol, Megan Sees Herself Differently
Even though she’s got one of the most gorgeous figures in the entertainment world, Megan Fox confesses that she’s never really fallen in love with what she has. In an interview, the Hollywood star admits that while she doesn’t dislike her body, she’s not the biggest admirer of her physique, either.

She also admits to experiencing body dysmorphia, which means that she sees her body differently when she looks in the mirror as opposed to how it really looks.

“I have body dysmorphia – I don’t ever see myself the way other people see me. There’s never a point in my life where I loved my body, never, ever.”

Fox, who almost got blacklisted from Hollywood, continued, “When I was little, that was an obsession I had of, like, ‘But I should look this way.’ And why I had an awareness of my body that young? I’m not sure, and it definitely wasn’t environmental because I grew up in a very religious environment where bodies weren’t even acknowledged. The journey of loving myself is going to be never-ending, I think.”

She added that she wished people wouldn’t notice her physical appearance first. “I wished everyone noticed my aura, because I have a rainbow aura, and it’s special,” she said.

Body dysmorphic disorder is listed on several medical sites as a “mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance” with the so-called “flaws” often invisible to others.

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This isn’t the first time Fox has spoken about her struggles with body confidence. She first opened up about her body dysmorphia and the “deep insecurities” she suffered from back in October 2021.

Fox said at the time, “We may look at somebody and think, ‘That person’s so beautiful. Their life must be so easy.’ They most likely don’t feel that way about themselves. Is that how she feels? Yeah, I have body dysmorphia. I have a lot of deep insecurities.”

Megan Fox Laments Sexualization In Hollywood

Megan Fox has often been subjected to Sєxualization by the industry and has been vocal about such treatment over the years, notably in reference to Jennifer’s Body. When the film opened cinemas on Sept. 18, 2009, it was met with a very mixed critical response and dismal box office returns.

For Fox and her co-star Diablo Coy, it felt like the film was savaged by individuals who had a predetermined concept based on marketing that targeted young guys and played up the film’s apparent Sєxiness.

“There was so much going on with me at that time, that movie being picked apart was not at the top of [my list of concerns]. Because I had such a fraught relationship with the public, and the media, and journalists, and I was struggling so much at that time in general, this didn’t stand out as a particularly painful moment, it was just part of the mix,” Fox shared.

For Fox, being Sєxualized and objectified was becoming a reoccurring theme when it came to her profession, and the marketing plan for Jennifer’s Body was simply another illustration of the problem. “It wasn’t just that movie, it was everyday of my life, all the time, with every project I worked on and every producer I worked with. It preceded a breaking point for me,” she added.

Fox continued, “I didn’t want to be seen, I didn’t want to have to take a pH๏τo, do a magazine, walk a carpet, I didn’t want to be seen in public at all because the fear, and the belief, and the absolute certainty that I was going to be mocked, or spat at, or someone was going to yell at me, or people would stone me or savage me for just being out… so I went through a very dark moment after that.”

It is essential to acknowledge that Fox’s struggles with body image are not unique to her. Many individuals, regardless of their fame or societal status, battle with similar feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Her openness about these issues serves as a reminder that body image concerns can affect anyone, regardless of how they may be perceived externally.

Nevertheless, Fox’s journey also offers hope and inspiration. She has been vocal about the importance of self-acceptance and embracing one’s uniqueness. In recent years, there has been a growing movement towards body positivity and inclusivity, aiming to challenge conventional beauty ideals and promote self-acceptance.

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