People that LOVE YOU don’t leave/ abandon you, only people that are using you do that” – Yemi Alade


Yemi Alade, a renowned Nigerian singer, recently made a thought-provoking statement, saying, “People that LOVE YOU don’t leave/abandon you, only people that are using you do that.” This statement has triggered various reactions among her fans and followers.

Many of Yemi Alade’s fans resonated with her words, expressing agreement and support. They appreciated her insight and acknowledged the importance of genuine love and loyalty in relationships. Her fans saw the statement as a reminder to surround themselves with people who truly care for them and have their best interests at heart.

Some fans shared personal experiences, emphasizing how they had been let down by individuals who were only interested in taking advantage of them. They thanked Yemi Alade for bringing attention to this issue and providing them with a sense of validation.

However, there were also fans who had a different perspective. They believed that people can leave or distance themselves from others for various reasons, even if they genuinely love them. These fans argued that circumstances and personal growth can lead to changes in relationships, and not all departures indicate exploitation or ulterior motives.


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